Sulfide melt inclusions associated with magmatic Ni-Cu-platinum-group element (PGE) mineralization in the Caribou Lake Gabbro, Blatchford Lake intrusive suite, Northwest Territories, Canada. Ore Geology Reviews, Vol. 107, Issue., p. 513. ... The Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology, Vol. 61, Issue. 2, p. 239.
The Pole Corral deposit (Red Mountain group) was selected for mineralogic studies because it contained some of the highest platinum-group element (PGE) contents found in a geochemical survey of 280 podiform chromite deposits in California and Oregon. The deposit is...
There are 96 approved PG (platinum group) — mineral species and more than 500 unidentified PG-phases on record. In addition, over 20 non-PG-minerals contain varying …
The platinum group minerals (PGMs) were located on polished sections and then analyzed in situ by a Cambridge Stereoscan electron microscope equipped with an Oxford Link ISIS 300 energy dispersive spectrometer and an Applied Research Laboratories electron microprobe fitted with six wavelength-dispersive spectrometers …
Despite the fact that pyrite is a relatively common phase in Ni-Cu-Platinum-Group Elements (PGE) magmatic sulphide deposits, the trace element content of the pyrite has been neglected in the studies of these deposits with most attention being paid to the PGE concentrations of pyrrhotite, pentlandite and chalcopyrite.
New data on platinum (Pt)-group elements (PGE), geochemistry and mineralogy of the host dunite shows that the deposit has anomalous iridium (Ir) values. These values indicate the predominance of ruthenium–osmium–iridium (Ru–Os–Ir)-bearing phases among the platinum-group mineral (PGM) assemblage that is typical of mantle …
SummaryThere are 96 approved PG (platinum group) — mineral species and more than 500 unidentified PG-phases on record. In addition, over 20 non-PG-minerals contain varying concentrations of one or more of the six platinum group elements.The PG-minerals commonly have cubic symmetry and density values mostly between 10–11 g/cm3 but …
Oberthür, T., Weiser, T.W. and Gast, L. (2003) Geochemistry and mineralogy of platinum-group elements at Hartley Platinum Mine Zimbabwe. Part 2: Supergene redistribution in the oxidized Main Sulfide Zone of the Great Dyke, and alluvial platinum-group minerals. Mineralium Deposita, 38, 344 – 355.Google Scholar
PDF | On Apr 1, 2004, JE Mungall and others published Platinum-group elements: Petrology, geochemistry, mineralogy - Preface | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
2. Definition They are six metals include platinum and its associated metals - palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium and osmium-clustered ععععع together in the periodic table. These elements are all metals transitionععععع ,عععععععع positioned at the level of sub- elements d (groups 8, 9 and 10 and the periods 5 and 6) The physical and chemical …
Formation of Platinum: Magmatic Processes: The primary source of it is magmatic ore deposits, which originate from the cooling and solidification of molten rock (magma) deep within the Earth's mantle and crust. These deposits are associated with igneous rocks and are known as "platinum group element (PGE) deposits." PGEs, …
Sulphide and flotation concentrates from 33 porphyry copper deposits have been investigated for platinum-group elements (PGE), Au, Cu and platinum-group minerals (PGM). The major sulphides in the samples studied are chalcopyrite and pyrite. Bornite is less frequent and molybdenite occurs in traces only. PGM (merenskyite, sperrylite and …
Consistent with the geochemical data the platinum group minerals (PGM) assemblage is dominated by Ru–Os–Ir minerals, occurring both as single-phase or as composite grains generally less than 10 µm in size. The PGM mineralogy includes laurite, osmium, irarsite and Ru–Fe oxide or hydroxide.
Platarsite is a relatively uncommon platinum-group mineral, reported from several world-wide localities, that has been defined as both Pt(As,S)2 and PtAsS in the literature.
Mostert AB, Hofmeyr PK, Potgieter GA (1982) The platinum-group mineralogy of the Merensky Reef at the Impala Platinum Mines, Bophuthatswana. Econ Geol 77:1385–1394. Article Google Scholar Mungall JE, Naldrett AJ (2008) Ore deposits of platinum-group elements. Elements 4:253–258. Article Google Scholar
The extraction process routes to recover high purity of platinum group elements are also reviewed. The classification briefly describes the different types of ore …
Platinum group element distribution controls the PGM speciation in host rocks and associated ores. Dunite and chromitite contain Pt-Fe and Os-Ir-(Ru) alloys, with subordinate Os, Ir, Ru and Rh sulfides. ... (No. АААА-А18-1-6) and South Urals Federal Research Center of Mineralogy and Geoecology (No. 122040600006-1) …
Platinum-group element mineralogy and geochemistry of chromitite of the Kluchevskoy ophiolite complex, central Urals (Russia) ... Ru over Rh–Pt–Pd, as typical of the mantle hosted ophiolite chromitites. Consistent with the geochemical data, the Platinum Group Mineral (PGM) assemblage is dominated by Ru–Os–Ir phases, whilst …
Third, the mineralogy of specific ores amenable to gravity, flotation and the flowsheet for recovering platinum group minerals in several mills of interest are discussed in details. Finally, new research trends of recovering …
Base Metal (BM) and Platinum-Group Elements (PGE) mineralogy and geochemistry of the Elmaslar Chromite Deposit (Denizli, SW Turkey): Implications for a local BM and PGE enrichment
The compositions of chromites from volcanic rocks is of interest for two reasons. First, most chromite-rich rocks from intrusions and the mantle are enriched in Os, Ir, Ru (Ir-platinum-group elements, IPGE), and Rh relative to volcanic rocks and in some cases are also enriched in Pd and Pt.
In:Cabri LJ (ed) Platinum-group elements: mineralogy, geology, recovery. CIM Special Volume 23, chapter 2, pp 7–19. Yu TH, Lin SJ, Chao P, Fang CS, Huang CS (1974) A preliminary study of some new minerals of the platinum group and another associated new one in platinum-bearing intrusions in a region in China. Acta Geol Sinica 2: 202–218 (in ...
Black sand beach placers from Kodiak, Sitkinak, and Tugidak Islands, Alaska, have been mined intermittently for gold and minor platinum-group alloys for more than 100 years.
Platinum-group mineralogy of the Giant Mascot Ni-Cu-PGE deposit, Hope, B.C. Matthew J. Manor1, a, James S. Scoates1, Graham T. Nixon2, and Doreen E. Ames3 1 Pacifi c Centre for Isotopic and ...
This paper provides an update and review on platinum group mineralogy to April, 1996, particularly in terms of general mineral chemistry and, more speci- fically, with respect to inter-platinum group element trends and compositional diversity within PG - …
PDF | On Jan 1, 1981, Louis J. Cabri published Introduction (in Platinum-Group elements: Mineralogy, Geology, Recovery, Edition: 1st, Special Volume 23) | Find, read and cite all the research you ...
Request PDF | Platinum Group Elements Mineralogy, Beneficiation, and Extraction Practices – An Overview | Platinum group elements have become imperative to many modern industrial applications ...